Sunday, 9 September 2018


Although, my story is not as exciting as the Green Arrow’s, I believe I started out like Oliver Queen this year. Maybe, not exactly to save Nigeria or even Port Harcourt, I needed to save myself. From what exactly? You see, I had just finished National Service and was plunged into unemployment. I am not even joking.  This was legit one of the craziest phases of my life. Guys, there was no law firm that I did not apply to in Abuja, even lagos sef.  I was so busy applying for jobs that you might as well say I was employed by unemployment itself 😔 Then, I started going around with folders too oo. Even with that, do you know that there were some firms that I went to with my CV, by the time I entered the office, I had to ask myself this one na kitchen abi na office? 😂😂. Nobody told me to carry my CV and run from those places. Those are the types of firms that you will be the one paying the owner salary😂😂.   But truthfully, the worst thing about the whole process was that most of the firms were not getting back to me. They initially weren’t even dignifying my application with a response. It was like I was applying to another universe. Please Guys, when we own our law firms in the future, can we not do this?  The least you can do is reply the applicant. A simple "your application was unsuccessful" would suffice. Why would you ignore my application abeg? Am I a ghost? 😂 Let me just tell you people the truth, "dat thing is rude, And Jesus is coming soon, you better repent"